If you feel frustration or discouragement because….
Someone made you feel like you would never be a good singer
You feel nervous or overwhelmed on stage
Your vocal performances are inconsistent
You believe that you're "tone-deaf"
You struggle with vocal control
You don't know where to start
Then these personalized lessons are for you!
30 MINUTE $55
This 30-minute voice session, you kick things off with a quick and lively warm-up of the voice and body stretches After that, it's all about the breath work! I’ll guide you through exercises to nail down breath control and support, so you're singing with power and finesse. Then, it's time to dive into a song. We apply all that warmed-up goodness to the music and it's like the icing on the cake – working on the emotions, expression, and overall vibe of the song. All in all, a solid half-hour of vocal magic!
45 MINUTE $75
Similar to a 30 minute lesson, but here's the cool part: with the extra 15 minutes, you've got more time to dive into the nitty-gritty. After the warm-up and breath work, you've still got a good chunk of time to work on not just one piece, but two pieces! It's the chance to work on interpretation, expression, and really owning the music. You're not just warming up and working the breath; you're taking the time to explore and refine your musical mojo!
60 MINUTE $90
Get ready for the ultimate vocal experience! This FULL HOUR session allows for more time to really focus on the whole package of singing.
Longer warm ups, body mapping to target tensions and release areas that are stuck, breath exercises for full body singing, longer emphasis on vowels and more time to work through a multitude of songs. You're not just singing with your vocal cords; you're singing with your entire being.
So, in this power-packed hour, you're not just getting a lesson; you're getting a vocal masterclass. It’s a win-win!